Badass Business on The Roncast®

Immediately Actionable Strategies & Tactics to Crush the Competition and Growth Hack any Business or Venture. Featured on Apple, Alexa Home, iHeart Radio & via The Roncast App in the Google Play Store. Subscribe & Thrive!

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Tuesday May 05, 2020

Know when to say NO! - COVID19 has triggered a barrage of online scam artists and "opportunity" sellers to show up in our Facebook and Twitter timeline ads. They promise the world, and look awfully attractive. Know how to spot a predator in the business opportunity space.
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Thursday Apr 30, 2020

You're getting the same incredibly inappropriate, insensitive, and reactive email spam from companies I'm getting. How does it make you feel? probably pissed off, right? Well, me too. So, why on earth would you even plan to do the same thing? Here's how to market in this time of great uncertainty, without sounding like you are marketing, or being predatory. Listen in!
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Wednesday Apr 22, 2020

Here's how you get business lined up chomping at the bit to buy your service, to buy your product. This is your opportunity to fire your marketing agency and stop spending money on marketing for good.
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Monday Apr 20, 2020

What a crazy time we are in. So many people are stressed out, anxieties are running high, and people are acting far out of sorts. Understanding what is happening, and how it is effecting people is key to not just business survival, but keeping a level state of mind - the kind of level-headedness that allows you to get a leg up on competition, while protecting and guiding your loved ones in these difficult times.
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Wednesday Apr 15, 2020

Feel in a financial rut? COVID19 marginalizing your bank? Maybe you cant quite figure out why no matter what you do, the $ is always less than what you need, or barely pays the bills, but nothing left over? Listen in!
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Saturday Apr 11, 2020

SPECIAL SERIES- Exactly what to do so your business can survive and even thrive during the COVID-19 economic downturn. In this, Part #2, we dig into your business to get a snapshot of where you are, identify opportunities created by the current market and competition, establish your current marketing strategy and tactics, create 3 specific market avatars, and get the collateral together to begin creating our "Message to Market Match". Listen in!
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Tuesday Apr 07, 2020

SPECIAL SERIES- Exactly what to do so your business can survive and even thrive during the COVID-19 economic downturn. The only thing that stays the same is that change is constant, and in the case of the current economy precipitant from the mandated government business slow-downs and shut downs, the change is rapidly accelerated. You need to be nimble, and open to rapid change. This change brings opportunity, and if you listen in on this series, I will equip you with the best arsenal you can have to not only grow, but to kick out the previous limits of your business. Listen in, and get ready to rock!
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Thursday Apr 02, 2020

Your perception is your reality. And you must protect it with your life. Because as the news cycle spews panic and fear 24/7. They’re controlling your perception and creating your reality. News companies aren't really in the business of news. News is just a vehicle that allows them to arbitrage attention. Attention = advertising dollars. Think about that business model for a moment, and see just how easy it is to take action on it...
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Sunday Mar 29, 2020

OK, guys, this is 2020. A little imagination and some basic new chops will help your business not only survive these trying times, but thrive even as other businesses around you struggle. Here's how...
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Thursday Mar 26, 2020

I get it. We are all, for the most part, stuck at home. Many of us without jobs or income, and when the cash in the bank runs out, it's gone. But, what if there was a business you could start today that costs you $0, has been proven to work by literally thousands of people, that you can do without leaving home, that does not require you to ever sell anything, or email anyone, or for that matter, ever do anything except something you love, AND it pays out nearly immediately, and is in demand right now? People are quickly generating between $150 and even $750 per day, and I am willing to help you with everything you need to know. Yep. I'm just cool like that (and humble ;). Listen in...
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Ron Davies

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